like this whole blogger thing. there's all this information coming at me each time I want to put up a new post. something about a new blogger, a google account, beta is dead and yet i don't (won't) bother to stop and read it. instead, i click and click and enter in many versions of various passwords and email addresses until i get to where i want to be -- which, in this case, is right here to enter a post.
i don't know i just feel overwhelmed by information coming at me. i know i'm not the only one who must feel this way?
i get all this email at work. announcements after announcements. much of it is not for me, some of it is, bits and pieces of data that i need to take care of. and the one time i say, "screw it," and delete it, it's most often the email that i should have read. and the person who sent it is most often the kind of person who knows for certain she sent it.
Ippoc is not this way. she reads the fine print. she saves the fine print and the box the fine print came in for years (and years). and this difference between us creates problems. i've tried to be a little bit more diligent. i now save receipts. i put them in a little envelope in my top desk drawer. they sit there and sit there until with great joy i toss them out (sooner than i should, probably).
and as for email, well if it doesn't grab me in the first couple of lines, i start skimming. and the bad part is, i know there's information i should be absorbing, but my head these days feels like a trash compactor; there's just only so much you can shove in there.
but, just what the hell is in there? ippoc often wonders.
but for the sake of a harmonious living situation, i am trying to change my ways. before heading off to bike rides, i now make a point of writing down the directions and then remembering to bring them with me.
i have much work to do. but like that line from that movie with Jack Nicolson and Helen Hunt, she "makes me want to be a better person".
you have made me a better person...
Ahhhhhh, you two are cute. It was nice seeing/riding with you on Saturday.
i'm so happy.
awwww...so nice!
I don't know who you are in real life, but damn, that post made me smile!
marscat, i love your posts. you have such good stories.
they always make me smile or giggle.
you and Ippoc are very lucky to have each other.
but i've never heard of anyone writing down their bike ride directions. maybe that's why i always get so lost too.
the real reason to save boxes
such nice feedback...
this has nothing to do with your post, i really just skimmed it anyway and didn't have time to read it all
awesome job on the BAR!!
i posted your results here
thanks Bunny!
ippoc, my kids love your cat videos. we just watched that one 3 times.
btw ... all my spare braincells are going to that damn VB forum.
shyte ... i can't stay away from shiney lights.
you guys are gonna make the sat night get together, right?
we can throw out some floor space if you need to sleep here.
you gotta come ... waaaaaahhhh!
OV: oh yes, we're coming. We've got a little room in SC for a couple of nights.
and that forum is damn addicting.
thanks for all of your feedback; it's really great to have someone to answer the kinds of questions i've been pondering for a while.
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