my boss (a most cool lady) just popped her head over my cube and said she's going to sneak out to get her hair cut. "See you at two for our meeting."
uh, it's 10 a.m.
love this time of year at work. it suits my work ethic, of which i have none. i came into work this morning and said to myself: today i will do nothing. i did indeed.
but alas, the better side of me (which is a trembling, half-starved creature that Ippoc throws scraps to) said, do just a little.
so i processed a few copyright notices. i can do this task without thinking.
in fact, i work best while not thinking.
think i'll run for president.
and it's almost time for the lunch ride...
most jealous of your lunch rides...
bad cat...
funny blog...:-)
"i came into work this morning and said to myself: today i will do nothing. i did indeed."
sometimes it's good just to do nothing at work. i'm all for it. especially after coming home from such a killer vacation.
you need to relax from your relaxing. ease back into work after the new year. plenty of time for resolutions - like working at work.
you got my vote.
i kinda miss those doing nothing at work days, now i just do nothing at home...not quite the same
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