Okay first off, blogger is bugging me. Maybe I need another vacation. I can't seem to organize these pics and it's late so maybe i'll just leave them all iggly piggly. One of these pics shows the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Can you spot it? Where's the boat? Where's the boat? There you are you nutty cruise ship trying to hide beneath that bridge. Our (first) room is right there up on the right side of the boat on the eleventh floor. There are 15 all together, floors that is. There are 2 billion rooms. The balcony in our first room was only a half a balcony with no see-through glass to the water. We harrassed the staff until finally they let us move into the empty room right next door to us. Finally we had see-through glass to the ocean (and just a couple of smudges on the glass beyond my reach that I obsessed about just a bit...not a lot).

Once we had our deck we did a lot of this. Just gazing. reading, eating breaky, drying our swimsuits. On one occasion we dined overlooking a parking lot.


Most days though, we awoke to the boat slowly chugging into a new port and we watched the sun come up.
Ah nicer!

The food was so good and there was so much of it that we made ourselves do this three times. It got quite competitive. Linda had the best spin if I do say so. I wanted to hurl just once due to the boats swaying.

We accidently wandered into the middle of a Mexican national festival and found ourselves pleasantly surrounded by hundreds of people who were not wearing t-shirts tucked into kakhi shorts with tube socks up to their waists. All the little boys wore these cute painted on mustaches. It was really very lovely.

What a lovely birthday pressie.
the pictures are fabulous! the colors are wonderful.
looks like one of the spin class attendee's is wearing jeans? that must be hard to do.
no not jeans, sweat pants. even so, not easy.
we loved our spin classes. we took a big long energy producing nap before them and then went into the sauna after...hard life.
Yay! You're back!
we missed you both!!
sounds like a lot of fun!
someone still has biker tan lines.....
welcome home! we missed you.
damn ... that's boss.
christmas pressie too...
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