personally, I suspect we are Minnie and Daisy's handmaids: "You don't like that brand new 99 cent can of fish filets? I'm terribly sorry. Shall I open you another?"
We don't like that Andronicos sells eggs from abused hens or that red peppers are $6.99 a pound. At the Berkeley Bowl down the road prices are cheaper. you could fill up a Toyota King cab with red peppers and it'd only cost about fiddy cents. but i always seem to get in a fight in the parking lot with some vegan in a volvo who wants my spot. and then there's the aisle clogging shopping carts, and the unfriendly staff at the bulk section.

...better Berkeleyans.
But until then, here's a picture of a particular Berkeley species we see often in our West Berkeley hood. they park on our street and head around the corner to the Bikram studio with their portable yoga mats slung over their shoulder. we call them yoga-fucks...

We have much growing up to do.
can't wait.....
oh, the Berkeley Homeless have a reputation as being "very smart"...we know from experience too with our tent sleeping garbage eating homeless guy downstairs...I wonder if tony ate veggie garbage food???
this has to be one of the funniest things I've read in a long time....down here we have the bizzaro version of the berkley bowl...its whole foods at the Del Monte Center
god ( or the sufi of your choice) bless the spycam and the words that accompany them.
Bless Berkeley, that big ol' hypocrite...it was fun to be there for a while, I don't mind riding through it, but I don't miss it. Oakland's got a much nicer feel to me.
If we only had an Oakland Bowl with wider lanes and competent checkers it would be perfect.
i feel inadequate doing downward dog next to the expert in my house
wild dingo: what the yoga-fuck are you talking about?
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