it's so hard to come back from a vacation and start working again. we've been easing into the daily rutted routine by continuing our vacationing habits with gusto. I believe we've only eaten at home twice in the past two weeks.
we've been dining out, plonking down credit cards like there's no tomorrow and perhaps there isn't. and recently Linda has learned that "real" people have a cocktail before dinner, then wine with their meal -- a practice we've taken to like fishies.

but then i read how VeloBella and the man have been guzzling 2-3 glasses a night and well that just sheds a whole new light onto our wineaux ways. have we been holding ourselves back? could we have guzzled more? we surely could have. but unfortunately, Linda has to take some nasty meds for her arthritis and these do not mix well mojitos. so we are hopping on the wagon and cleaning up our act.
So tonight we're staying home and cooking -- uh, after we going shopping. But then, by jove we're cooking... something.
6 comments: didn't mention how I eye other people's wine glasses and believe they get better pours than us or how I like the sound of the cocktail shaker. But, a bad liver is depressing. Then again, who really wants to have a good liver and hobble around like a gimp? politically incorrect am I being?
I google scholared articles and there are a bunch of studies of moderate drinkers in france (i guess thats where all the moderate drinkers are) and they were still on average healthier and living longer than non drinkers.
or something....
oh...I like that answer...
was one of those scholared articles inside the
Wine Spectator?
we loves our wine.
i like this post
but i'm so tired, i can't think of a coment to leave
except that i like this post, and i have a comment, its just frozen in my brain somewhere...
(like thats anything new)
the greeks were onto something when they said 'everything in moderation'
so i try to keep that in mind except i don't apply it to the things that i like in excess
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