Cyclisme, Tour de France - Journal du Tour, 17e étape, Retour
Florian Egly, Sport24.com
Okay, here goes. Let's see if I retained anything from all those French classes in school:
Incroyable Floyd Landis!
Floyd Landis is incredible! (heh, piece of gateaux)
Telle la bête blessée, l’Américain, meurtri, touché au plus profond de sa chair après une journée noire sur les pentes de la Toussuire, a fait preuve d’une réaction d’orgueil incroyable pour écrire l’une des plus belles pages de l’histoire du Tour de France.
Er, okay, little harder now...something, something...something American!..something profound!...sa chair (his chair? can't be right, moving along)...something incredible again (frenchies certainly like that word)...something written...okay, okay. I think i got it:
One of the most beautiful pages written in the history of the TDF.
(written in a chair, perhaps? okay scratch that)
so there you have it. Eight years of public school French.
you totally snaked the pic i was gonna use.
je sais, je sais!
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