i flew without the aid of zanax and it was good because i had the aid of a margarita, a shot of tequila and shortly after that with my airplane meal, a glass of red wine. the flight was uneventful except for the moment when a man from first class walked down the aisle and bent to ask a question of several people as he made his way toward me.
are you a lawyer, he asked finally.
no, i said, but i play one on tv.
he eventually got in a fight with the steward and then the airmarshalls locked him up in handcuffs.
so here we are in spain. we´ve seen lots of fun things in Barcelona. we did the picasso museum, the joan miro museum, toured the Ramblas and the Bari Goti, which is wonderful at night with the lights. we ate a lunch at a 222 year old restaurant, the second oldest in spain.
i´ve had paella three times now and think it is most delicious. tonight we had a three course meal. i had paella again, and linda will soon turn into a roasted chicken as she´s been eating them once a day.
we went to Monteserat ( two r´s¿) (and sorry, i can´t find my way around this crazy euro keyboard)
we love our included breakfasts at the hotel of cheeses and meats and pastries. i almost burned the place down just the one time by forgetting my toast in the circular crazy euro toaster.
i am sleeping on the average 2 to 3 hours a night. last night i listened to about 34 podcasts.
and i am taking an amazing amount of blurry pictures. we´ll post some soon.
linda is doing the speaking and pointing for both of us.
right now we are in an internet cafe in Girona. there is a lovely old section of town here with narrow winding cobbled roads. tomorrow we will wander around and visit cathedrals and museums. we plan on renting a car and hope to not take out the left side-panel as we did the last time we rented a car in Scotland.
and i have not lost anything yet. i still have my wallet, my passport and both gloves.