here i sit on the lovely deck surrounding perseverance hall at lbnl for the second day of the this big policy meeting. what i have learned so far is that i know very little and these people know a lot and the one guy in the corner ate three pastries this morning and the lead council for UC just went to the bloomingdale's site and that guy in the corner has a very long mustache that i keep mentally trimming and the old guy across from me makes me think of a line from Annie Hall whenever i look at him and that woman across the table from me has really cool shoes on and jesus i wish i was outside running and do any of these people exercise and that guy there would definitely be one of those old guys on a pinarelo who would try his damdest to pass me on hill then die doing so and maybe i can check facebook without anyone seeing my latest status.
that is hilarious!! and so funny because sometimes I feel bad for all the inner-monologue judgement I cast on people throughout the day. I am a very mean, very judgemental person in my head--and sort of a bitch sometimes. But I also find my judgements so funny sometimes that I giggle out loud and then people stare at me...and then they probably judge me in their heads. Such a vicious circle...
so vicious.
i feel like i focus on the goofiness of it all.
marscat, was that an iphone post?
I immediately ran to Facebook to check your status. I guess you didn't make it over there...
there's that crazy weather lady giggling to herself
2 L's. Probably a Serotta though.
i'm looking at my comment and wondering why i wrote "so vicious".
and then is see beth's last sentence has vicious in it.
must have been talking to myself while writing and i too went to facebook to check!
their brilliance brought out my insecure badness...
no. they definitely don't go outside.
insecure badness is funny.
Now THAT is a runon sentence. AND hilarious!!!
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