so we suited up and took advantage
of the beauty around us.
oh my god, it's like a big nature competition out there with trees trying to outdo the next. they're throwing out their very best blossoms. you can do that? okay well look at this.

take a look at what i got.
we had to stop on our bike ride several times just to try and capture all the beauty. and we never quite could. the iPhone cannot do nature justice. and in the back of my mind i was thinking some people never got to experience this day. this very day. it makes me sad, but i'm trying not to be sad but to appreciate.
corny but it's really an art, i think, being happy, enjoying life.
and it takes effort like intervals. focus. focus on the good. let the bad stuff go. and lots of practice. and you can't just go sit on a beach and stare out at the ocean and think, i've got this happiness thing down. no, no, no you gotta test yourself.
go shopping in the Berkeley Bowl at lunch. perfect test. try and feel happiness as a woman jams up the produce aisle sniffing a melon. not so easy. try and feel the wonder of the universe as you watch a kid pick his nose then stick his fingers into the olive bar. no walk in the park on a sunny day.
and sometimes life has a funny way of tricking you into lightening up, relaxing. the horn on my toyota pickup went caput a couple of weeks ago. i can't tell you how many times i've wanted to lay on that thing and couldn't. and so yesterday, there i sat while this bozo in a Volvo -- always a freaking Volvo -- sat at a green light not moving. we both just sat there in the glorious sunshine, bees a buzzing, trees showing off, still as can be. perfect test. i exhaled. i waited. finally we moved. who knows. maybe if i'd a honked my horn we would have moved off faster and got rammed by a semi. see -- there's a happy thought. i'm getting better every day.
It is really something you have to train for. Maybe Volvoman was in the middle of an interval?
I canNOT handle Berkeley Bowl. Not even for prickly pears, thank you very much.
hhhmmm...this post sounds like one of those yoga fucks who contemplates being happy in the moment then foils someone else's good vibes by parking in their parking space...
Berkeley Bozos in Volvos = next topic du Marscat.
samples are on the way...it's in the FedEx delivery truck...
don't worry...it will be there soon!
LOL! :-)
i always use a hand basket at BB while it seems everyone else HAS to use a cart.
hey don't talk bad about the yoga fucks...see you next week!
yummy flandria...that's so cool!
not a couple of weeks...couple of months...and you forgot our ikea intervals...
hey, where is that pretty yellow blossomy tree?
good thing you skipped Bariani. You both are in the "wouldda got blown off the course" weight class...crazy.
yeah, it's purty out there right now. Good time to focus on all the loveliness....
I can be totally zen, except for when it comes to nincompoops in the grocery store.
pretty pictures!
like, why can't people park their carts someplace out of the way and walking over to what they need to look at? Why oh why do they have to push their carts every millimeter they move even if 4 carts are already side by side in the aisle?
serenity now....serenity now...
I still could totally be your ikea guide. I know all the shortcuts.
we had us some wind on mt diablo...nearly got blown into the tri valley
oh don't get me going on the carts...and you can be our ikea guide any day. meatballs on ippoc.
meatball ride instead of a pie ride...
p.s. I really like that red berry juice concentrate thing they sell
on the way home from bariani, there was a little traffic jam on 99 due to a bigrig overturned that was carrying bee boxes--there were beekeepers everywhere and bees everywhere--quite the scene
(you did mention bees in this post, right?!)
i hate grocery shopping period.
all those annoying moms who let their kids run wild bumping into stuff.
but this post is about niceness not grocery shopping and we DO have such nice rides around here.
I so like the purty flowers. Nice.
LOL, the veedub has this little bitty horn. Ever so often I get bent and want to honk at someone. But it's not like they're going to hear it. In the end, it just ends up making me laugh. Cuz it's so cute and tooty. Pretty much impossible to have the road rage in the veedub.
Hi Marsy,
great post! I am catching up today on great posts.
I think this is new post genre...the chant post. I was getting tired of rant posts (never yours of course, yours speak truth with a wicked smile)
hey we missed you last weekend...sorry. You should come over this weekend. If xbun forgoes Crapolopolis we could have a bunny Sunny day climbing Robinson Canyon, eating chocolate eggs and watching movieees. c'mon ya know ya wanna
beauty lives here too. (just not in my local zip)
evil temptress--using chocolate eggs against me!
ha! but i've got a milkshake waiting for me after copper.....
(it all really comes down to driving hours)
ack, sorry we're gonna miss the fun...we must plan it again!
How did I miss your blog. You are wonderful.
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