Port Arthur in Tasmania...not a pretty story to tell of this town.
Oldest bridge in Australia located in Richmond another town with a not so nice history.
Nice walking and mountain biking trail on Mt. Wellington near Hobart in Tasmania
This looks like a rat, but it really is a kangaroo...
There is a baby in that pouch
Baby wombat not fond of the rain and she looks a lot like Daisy
Two little baby devils
The Sydney Opera house and us
For the doggie people out there...turn your heads please...
please may i have some more....
Oh wow. Just wow. I changed my mind -- can you bring me back a kangaroo that looks just like that last one? Pleeeeeeeeeeease?
make that two kangaroos, a penguin, and a WOMBAT!!
the kangas, penguins, and wombats exceed the weight limit of our checked baggage; otherwise, we would bring them all back...
the baby devils would fit in our carry on, but they eat wallabys so we wouldn't be able to bring them any food...
what's a baby devil? is it real? i'm not sure i ever knew they existed.
weight limit?!
bring babies!!
That wombat baby is huuuuuuge
look at the size of 'is head!
head! down!
how do you get to hold the animals? i want to hold the animals.
wow...i really am whiny when i'm tired. if you were my teacher, you would have just taped my mouth shut, or something mildly illegal like that.
tasmania devils (or dayveels as they say here)...scavenger sorts that'll bite cha.
okay we're bringing wombats back...they're my new favorite animal...not bright but brighter by far than koalas and maybe even daisy (who is president of the math club - i'm only secretary)..
we didn't get to hold them just watch up close...and pat.
VB made me snort my coffee...
Those are the BEST travel photos I've seen in ages.....love those furry creatures.
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