"Minnie! barf right here in my mouth, just never, ever, on the modem again."
so this morning i pull wires, change this, change that, put in this setting, take out that setting...eat a handful of marshmallows...check my work email...and still "page could not be found"
but at last out of the wireless fog comes my hero, Victor...right away i know he's different, he's the one...and my teeth start to unclench, and i sigh a great sigh of relief.
victor says do this and damn i do it.
change this, he says.
now do this...
and shazaam, connected!
I frikin'

victor...tho i suspect that's not his real name.
I heart victor too!
I heart pearie and victor...pearie is best tech support
Yay Victor! Maybe Lauren can convince Percy to do some work on his house as a thank you?
Earthlink sucks. I went through something similar with them when I first started...every call they would force me to troubleshoot the same things for 30 minutes before the new person would help me, even after I begged them to log in that I'd troubleshot before...
Glad you're back!
victor sounds smart.
most of those support people are like 22 years old and they just don't care.
I just had a terrible karma thought-was this your payback for all those years at pacbell internet tech support...
yay! you are back!
you said shazam. mike always makes fun of me when I exclaim 'shazam.' i'm glad i'm not alone in loving that word.
yes, do yourself a favor and dump earthlink...
and I like the word shazam too. three sylables, two after the z...
Oh SHYTE!!! I spent countless hours arguing and being ignored by Earhlink about 6 months ago. I ended up dropping there sorry arses and re connecting with ATT.
Hopefully you didn't go with one of their "bundled" offers.
good luck..
See you at the TT manana.
yes total suckage...until Victor
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