can a cat feel rejection? i think i see it in her eyes. she curls up near me. she lets out a groan and gets to work napping. big day ahead for the three of us.
my mother calls to thank me for the scarf i gave to her at Christmas. she’s at the dog park with Teddy. "hang on a sec" she interrupts. I’m so used to this.
"Teddy!" she screeches and i have to hold the phone away from my ear. "Sorry, he's found a dead rat," she tells me. i hear her running, chasing after Teddy. She's a little winded. She's no match for Teddy. Even in her little Puma tennies. he taunts her, runs in circles around her legs.
"Teddy, put the rat down. Teddy!" i have one eardrum left. i move the phone to the other ear.
I wait gazing at my precious kitties. is that cat pee i smell?
I eye Minnie. I walk around the room sniffing in his pee corners of choice, while my mother's frantic, pleading requests to her crazed rat eating dog go unheeded.
“Teddy come here now!” she commands. as if.
I definitely smell pee, somewhere in this room. I sniff the chair where minnie sleeps. my stack of clean clothing on the desk. i sit back down next to Daisy and wait for my mother.
"He's in a tree," she says. "with the rat. I better go."
Cats. That's where it's at. Non of this screeching in the park, tree climbing, varmint chewing stuff for me and Ippoc. No our precious little babies just sit here, cute and soft and fat (daisy)...and I definitely smell cat pee.
cat pee!
i have it all over my garden.
i use a natural fertilizer. fish emotiations or something like that and all the cats come and pee all over and dig stuff up.
do you have that cold everyone has now? 3 weeks we've had it!
i hope you don't have it. it's sucks!
"fish emotiations" ???
are those like emoticons for cats?
i wonder what the cats are dreaming about...they look really comfy and warm
kiki would be dreaming about bare ankles
"office cold" is what the marscat has
daisy is the source of the pee smell - her hair is just too long down there - time for a shave
daisy drems of minnie and minnie dreams of food...oh, daisy dreams of minnie and food...
i saw marscat today...
out riding...
with her office cold...
at noon.
and i saw you too...and why were you not at work?
you looked like you were working i didn't stop to chit-chat
next time.
wednesdays i work from home.
i was working kinda hard. it was a short kinda hardish effort.
so funny that i saw you today. i really didn't feel like going.
did you see that snow on skyline?!! crazy. i took a picture.
next time i'll turn around too.
migo is pretty good with his pee. occasionally he gets dangerously close to his own foot. it'll probably be a problem when he gets old.
tonight he chased a rabbit all over who knows where. I still don't want a cat, but I think he should be made to believe that i might....
daisy only dreams of minnie
and if we had a dog, we'd want a dog like Migo
Tee a tree...with the rat...cracking me up!
dingo is a bit of a doofus...but a very cute doofus
me and ippoc want to see the dingo in the burka
burka burka your new web page WD
The photos of your kitties are always as comforting as cuppa hot cocoa. I feel as snuggly and warm looking at them as they do. Well, maybe not quite. :-)
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