so i was happy when she sat at the desk before the computer one evening. a glow lighting up the room as she tapped, tapped, tapped. i sensed the fretting was spilling out. her back arched, her lips moved as she re-read her words. i made several fly bys to try to get a glimpse of the post. but she shood me away.
but alas when i logged in the next morning, nothing new was there. had the fretting been let out to wander, to stretch its scrunched up legs and then hauled back inside?
there have been times when she has posted something and i noticed a typo, a little error, something amiss. log in as me, she would say. make the change, do me a favor. and so i would.
so was it so very wrong of me to log in and read her unposted draft, her secret fret?
am i a terrible, terrible snoop?
how scandalous
I wonder why my name is showing instead of velo bella....thats odd
ahhh..thats better
i swear i had nothing to do with that...
sabine and i try watching each other write.
sometimes we shoo ... sometimes we purr.
i'm pretty sure L was purring afterwards.
hmm. are you just telling her now, here, that you logged in secretly to read her post?
i used to snoop sometimes. got me into trouble once. got someone else into trouble once too.
but here, it's ultimately public right? so it's not so bad.
i fessed up right away...
in the safeway today I noticed the cover of time magazine -- it's about fretting!
yes, snoop kitty kat is bad...maybe, I will change my password now...and you did fess up right away with a lousy excuse...
i have posts that have been drafts for months
and likely always will be
and i don't snoop.
good doggies know better.
VG, you sure spend a lot of time in Safeway...you tell them its cus of the cycling team, right?
linda's purring a little, fretting less
i will never snoop again but if i do it's because daisy said it was okay.
bunny, i really like that draft from 10/19. want me to post it?
and i read that article in Time but didn't pay for it.
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