We were going to do the Fremont Crit today but changed our minds. I was quite glad not to do it and thought instead Linda and I would go for a nice long ride. "I know what we'll do" she said first thing this morning. I like it when she makes such statements as I rarely have a plan and if I do I'll change it six or seven times before leaving the house. "We will do the Bears as a time-trial." Here in this little plan of Linda's was the two things she dislikes doing most on the bike: hills and TTs all wrapped up in one icky package . I was more inclined to ride to Danville and stop for coffee and a hunk of lemon pound cake. But Linda's plan seemed more wise and less fatty. The last time we did this TT it was part of the Grizzly Peak Cylists event calandar. A very low key event with numbered cloth armbands. I hadn't been doing my workouts very regularly at that point and didn't feel up to it . Plus, I just knew a certain group of, lets just say, people-I-like-to-avoid (PILTAs) would be there. A simple "How are you?" seems always to unleash from them a detailed report of their latest race results, but I digress. So this morning, Linda wants to race the Bears again. I agreed thinking, when she's outta sight, around a corner, I'll stop trying. But a wrench was thrown into our plans -- or rather right into Linda's lower back. She reached for Daisy and froze in pain. So today we napped and read magazines: ProCycling for Linda, New Yorker for me. And the cats charged through the halls and cleaned one another. Outside it's grey which makes staying indoors not so bad. Tomorrow is another day and I want very much for Linda to feel better so I can kick her ass in the TT! I kid. I kid.
ahh, who needs to race an impromptu tt anyway:-)
the life of cats ... so good.
i can't wait until we get our kitty.
thanks for a weekend of Nurse Nightengale..i owe you a mojito or two or three...
is someone getting a kitty?!
does migo know?
thanks wild dingo!
Migo's the one thats been asking
he'll expect it to say 'je t'aime'
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