i cannot think of anything to write about but i must push down that pic of daisy because it's starting to freak me out.
i voted today. experienced just a moment's test-taking anxiety when i saw a pen but no bubbles to fill in. a quick peak at the lady next to me (had to really strain to see around the side of her booth) to discover that i was to connect the lines. ah-ha!
anyhow, i like voting. volunteers at the polling stations deserve a big fat raise in my opionion. nicest people. ready with their rulers to locate your name and address. pass you right along to the guy handing out the ballots. real friendly.
now why can't they work at the post office? it seems everytime i enter the post office on shattuck the clerk behind the counter is reaching for the "this window closed" sign and disappearing into the dark back room. or there's some blind old bat (appologies to the blind, the old and bats) who can't decide between judy garland, snowflakes or superheroes. i just don't get the facination with stamps i guess. i mean you lick 'em, stick them on your phone bill and they're gone.
but you know i used to feel the same about checks. I'd always get the boring pale blue ones without any design, maybe a faint stage coach in the background, certainly no puppies or wildflowers. but you know, i gotta admit, i like my new checks with stripes and retro flower designs.
i'm looking at them right now. can't wait to fill in check number 2325.
anyhow, polling stations are very soothing, especially after an early morning fight about cat barf. (which i believe i won.)
in fact, i just might go vote again.